Prayers for Healing

Well done, though good and faithful servant. Matthew 25:23

Have you ever wondered how long you ought to pray for someone to be healed by God when the healing doesn’t come? Should you continue to pray for a week, a month, several months, longer?

What if that person is elderly and at the end of days anyway, should you pray then?

What if medical science says there is no hope–should you pray for healing then?

What if you’ve prayed, and prayed, and PRAYED with no sign of recovery, should prayers for healing continue even then?

Does God really approve stubborn prayers, and will he really say “well done” when the prayers for healing are ended?

What do you think?


The writer of Ecclesiastes tells us, “As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things.”

To my way of thinking, a truer statement was never spoken, especially in light of divine healing and those times when the healing refuses to come. So what are we, the faithful, to do?

We continue to pray for God’s glorious will to be done.

Prayers for divine healing are never wrong and they should continue up to the point when God’s Spirit whispers to our spirit that a physical healing in this realm is not the Divine Father’s will. When that whisper becomes a clarion call in our hearts it is time to shift our prayer emphasis. At that time our prayers change to urgent intercessions for peace, comfort, rest, surrender and strength to surround those we love, and we ask that they might be delivered to Jesus’ side as painlessly and quickly as possible.

Today, if you know someone who is struggling with a disease that does not seem to respond to prayer, pray anyway. You never know when their miracle might happen.

If, however, God’s Spirit has spoken to your spirit loud and clear that it is time for this loved one to return to Him, release them, and ask God to bless their passage from this world to the next for your sake. It’s not wrong to pray this way.

Today, pray for those who will be healed, and for those who won’t. It may be the greatest gift you have to give–so give it freely and often.

Your prayers most assuredly pave a smoother path for every person you bring to the Father in prayer, whether they are sick or not. Every person benefits when someone else is praying for them.

Glory Hallelujah!  Thank you for praying for others.

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