Change Agents

The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it… Psalm 24:1

What a great day to be alive! What a great day to call Jesus King! What a great day to proclaim His sufficiency in the world! What a great day to sing praises to our Lord, and live by His directives. What a great day to practice random acts of kindness by smiling at the cashier, paying for someone else’s lunch, giving up your seat to another and saying, “God loves you, you know that, right?” to a stranger. What a great day!!!

This morning, our praises ring out to the One who controls the universe. He’s so good!

He loves you, you know that, right?  Because Jesus loves you, he gave up everything to see that you would have your chance to impact the world. He gave up heaven to come to you and build a relationship with you. He gave up family to hit-the-road and minister to many thousands, knowing that preaching would affect you. He gave up his right to inherit a piece of the holy land, because he knew you needed him more. He gave up the embrace of his mother’s arms to teach us about a faith she feared would take him from her. It did take him from her.  But in taking him, it gave him, to us all; to you, to me, to the nations, to the ages.

Today, after the national elections in America, there may be many who are holding their breath and waiting to see what happens next. I can predict for you what will happen. Things will change in America, and because things change here, they will change elsewhere. Its inevitable, change is on the way, but with it comes opportunity.

Some people are going to be hard-pressed as things change in their lives–maybe because of decisions they have made, and maybe because of decisions others will make. In either case, we, as believers in Christ, have a great opportunity to show the world what we are made of in the next few years. We will have one opportunity after another to live by our convictions and love-like-there’s-no-tomorrow. Through the trials, through the tribulations, through the good and the bad that comes about because of all the change, opportunity is going to present itself. My question to you is, are we ready?

I believe we are ready for change, because Jesus is ready. He’s always been ready.  He is prepared and he’s ready.  The next four years are going to be incredible because Jesus is Lord. Bless the Name of Jesus!

Are you feeling optimistic about the next four years?  Do you consider yourself a “change agent”?  What is one way you can make a difference in someone else’s life as a result of your own changing circumstances?

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