Eating Like a Bird

A friend shared this single panel cartoon with me today. It made me laugh and I wanted to share it with you.

000like a bird

This cartoon appeals to me on two levels:

First, the cartoon is silly fun as I think about how I eat. More like a giant condor, than a chirpy bird. If only!

Secondly, the cartoon makes me think of all the squats Ive been doing the last week or so. Really trying to concentrate on doing these several times a day, and not just for my morning exercise routine. They are the one exercise that MAKES ME SWEAT!

I’m guessing when I do them, I burn wayyyy more calories. They are easy to do and can be done anywhere.  I do them at work, along with leg lifts, during the day. This cartoon reminds me not to do them in common areas.  Ha!  Look at the chirpy bird on the ledge, watching this woman.  I wonder what she think?

For this girl, this cartoon is a silly lil reminder to eat right and exercise more!

Do you include squats in your exercise routines?  Do you chirp each time you lower yourself, and then groan when you come back up, like I do?  Do tell.


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