Feeling Targeted

i-might-as-well-wear-one-of-these-on-the-back-of-my-shirtIt happens to the best of us!

Lately, I’ve been heading into new territory with my gifting.  I’ve gotten some nice reviews and compliments regarding the changes, but with them has come what seems like added attention from the adversary.

Today, a few things have gone awry and usually I would slough them off, but today I don’t seem to be able to for some reason.

Anger is the temptation du jour, today.

When you pray next, would you remember me? I don’t want to be aggravated, or unsettled, or distracted, or vengeful, or feel defeated, but I know someone who would like me to fall into that trap.  It happens to the best of us,right?  Today, because I feel like a bull’s-eye is on my back, I’d sure appreciate knowing you guys are defending me on the battleground.

Thanks! I so appreciate you!!

When have you felt like you had a bull’s-eye on your back?  What is the enemies go-to temptation when he’s wanting to harass and harangue you?


Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you. Philippians 4:8-9 NIV

I may have mentioned her before, this coworker I had whose favorite retort when things went wrong was, “We’ll just praise the Lord, anyway!”

Dawn had an amazing capacity for loving her Lord. She was a gorgeous woman, young, vivacious, hair down to her toes in an era when long straight hair was a very appealing quality to possess. She was a hippy-like free spirit who loved on Jesus every day and filled the air around her with this positivity that was hard to deny.

Dawn was winsome in every way, and beautiful to boot. Lots of people were attracted to her, but least of all for her external beauty. It was the constant and abiding love she had for Jesus that attracted me, and I know it attracted others. She made bad situations better by pointing to praise whenever we were tempted to pout. In this, she was like the apostles of old, and the affect it had on everyone around her was amazing.

When the hard times come, do you praise or pout?

The Apostle Paul shared with the church at Philippi some amazing insight into praise that served them well. He wrote,

“ Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:4-7 NIV.)

Dawn knew how to rejoice in her Savior.

Dawn knew how to spot a temptation and how to take it down.

Dawn knew that praise always opens the door to joy, and she opened that door for others, a lot!

Dawn was a joy to work with and a force for good in a tired world.

I wonder how often I mirror Dawn’s witness? Do you wonder the same about you? 

Seek His Face Always!


This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. 1 John 5:14

Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always. 1 Chronicles 16:11

When you get your feelings hurt, where do you go for relief?

Do you curl up in a ball and cry yourself to sleep?
Do you get on the phone and go over it all with a friend?
Do you head for the cupboard and begin eating your way to calm?

Where do you go and what do you do when you’ve been wounded?

The Bible doesn’t say we should avoid all physical or relational means for soothing our souls. We all do these things some times. But it does suggest that anything that is bothering us is something the Lord wants to hear about.

God loves us with an everlasting love.

Do you know what that means?

If means He’s signed up to be our Adjuster.

God is our Rescuer.

God would be our Peace.

He’s our Defender.

God is our Mighty Warrior–God of the angel armies. His resources are limitless. He knows how to care for you!

Today, are you taking your cares to God in prayer? If not, why not?

He hears, He cares, and He answers. Test Him in this and see if he does not answer. He answers. He always answers!

Trust Him and ask! You might be amazed at what our God does.

When have you prayed and heard a definite NO to your request? What do you want the Lord to do for you today?  

Thank Yous and Sleep


Yesterday, I came to this place, the place where I share my struggles and joys, and I asked for prayer.  I needed it! I was hurting. I’d been hurting for a week or more, and I mean intense pain.  Now, it was affecting my sleep.

Do you know how hard it is to be effective when you don’t sleep?

I know you momma’s do.

I know you gals and guys with chronic pain do.

I know I did, yesterday.

All I wanted was a little relief, and it came. Through Prayer. Your prayers, for me.

Thank you!

Let me say that again: Thank YOU!

Thank you, readers. Thank You, Father. Thank you, body, for listening!

I am better today. Still having back spasms. Still numb in my legs at times. Still not 100%.  Will I ever be 100% again?  😦

I’m better!

I slept last night, without unruly discomfort–and that has made all the difference.

If you’re facing sleepless nights, no matter the reason, reach out to me today. Let me return the favor. Let me pray for you!  Here, or by PMing me on Facebook. I want to pray for you. I want to help you. I want to hear that God touched your body too, and gave you sleep…hope restoring sleep!  Reach out.  It helps!

When have you suffered so that you could not sleep, could not rest?  How do you pray in the dark, dark days?


It’s hard

painfactsIt’s hard to be happy when you hurt.
Lately, I’ve been hurting a lot.

I know chronic pain.
Know it well.

But lately, it’s been worse.
More constant, if that’s possible.

More persistent.
More intense.

If you’re one of those who knows how to pray…
Pray, please.

I’ve thought God has me on a new path of discovery, lately.
Something is about to break out!

I’m excited, and at the same time,
Petrified!  Not really, but you know…

Is this pain a part of that unfolding?

I remember that the lessons we learn in the light are meant to be a beacon on our path when the days turn dark.

I hurt.

I pray.

I wait for the answers to be revealed.

Back to Basics for a New Year

steve curtis chapman

Morning Meditations have kinda gone by the wayside for me during the holidays.

Time to reflect?  What’s that?  Recently, though, I’ve heard the Spirit whispering that it’s time to get back to the heart of worship, which for me is writing. Reading God’s word and recording my reflections on it, that’s where my strength comes from and it’s where I find myself most in awe of God.  As He reveals himself to me through His Word, I get excited about the possibilities of being in closer conscious contact with Him.  And Jesus–what the Word has to say about Jesus–it’s inspired and inspiring. On the rough days, especially on the rough days, I need to hear His message of hope.

Today, I’m back at it.  Reading his Word, sharing my thoughts, and trying to make sense of this life one post at a time. Today’s meditations: Food and Food behaviors, cuz yeah, it’s a new year and although I no longer make resolutions, I thirst for change just like everyone else.  My New Year’s topic:  Sanity vs Insanity, and some reflections on how insane eating affects my life.


I am alive today, and as a living being, I’m able to take in air and let out air. I’m able to move around, somewhat unencumbered. I’m able to pray, talk, eat… It’s that last one that often causes me problems. I eat the wrong things. I eat too much. I don’t move enough. I am insane when it comes to diet and food habits/behaviors for someone who wishes herself thinner and healthy. But all hope is not lost. I know ONE who knows exactly what I need to do to get my life together and to live longer, better, and/or wiser and more obediently.  The question is which of those things God wants me to do most often.

Live longer?
Live better?
Live wiser?
Live more obediently?

I pause to pray.

The answer I get is the last item on this list. Obedience is Queen!

If I will listen. If I will lean in. If I will care about and even cherish God’s opinion on my food and food behaviors, including exercise, I will find that I’m living longer, better and wiser every day. Why, then, do I not do this? What would it look like for me to do it?

I pause to pray.

The answers come:

Incorporate more joy into your life.
Live in the moment more.
See Me!
Recognize My voice.
Serve others.
Be authentically awed at how I direct you.
Don’t fret
Let Me lead.

I wonder…how do I do these things in practical ways?

I pause to pray.

The answers come…

Joy has always been hard for me, but God suggests it would be easier if I lived more often in the moment, stopped planning so far in advance, stopped mandating myself to follow my plan-seek His. If I will be more authentic and speak my truth more often, in caring but authentic ways, and if I will fret less and trust more and rely on Him more, and let Him lead the way more, I will find joy!

It’s in Letting Go and Letting God have the moments of my day and the desires of my heart that I find peace and serenity.

The world is full of strife, but I don’t have to play along with its game. I can let go of what all those others (people, places, organizations and systems), want me to do. I can rest in doing only what God asks of me.

This is peace. This is grace. This is where I need to be. This is today’s goal!!

Then God will give you peace, a peace which is too wonderful to understand. That peace will keep your hearts and minds safe as you trust in Christ Jesus.

Here, my brothers, are some things I want you to think about. Think about things that are true, honest, right, clean and pure, things that are lovely, and things that are good to talk about. If they are good, and if they bring praise to God, think about these things. Philippians 4:7-8 MSG

Take Delight in Him

Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4 NIV

One of the things that I believe most delights God are those times when his people push the pause button on their day in order to be together with him in meaningful conversation.  The benefits we reap during those moments are amazing:

Time to consider our first love and most important connection in life.
A chance to wonder at God power, protection and ability to take care of us.
The opportunity to share our cares, challenges, and victories with Him.
The privilege of carrying our loved ones to God in prayer.

This morning, make time and take time to pray. It might be the most important thing you do all day.  During your prayers, ask God to grant you serenity in your life.  Ask Him to bless those you love. Ask Him to meet needs you can’t see getting met by anyone else and thank Him for the needs already met.

Commune with your God for five, ten, fifteen, thirty minutes, and be grateful that in this place, in this time, on this day you have the chance to appreciate God’s blessings. There are many across the globe who will not enjoy peaceful lives today. Pray for God’s grace to meet their challenges in the faith, too.

Take delight in your prayer times with God and he will grant you desires you never knew you had; first and foremost among them a vital, vibrant, and thrilling journey with Him.

Do you have a daily quiet time with God? What do you talk about with Him when you meet with Him in prayer?

Prayer Changes Things

May he be like rain falling on a mown field, like showers watering the earth. Psalm 72:6

Today, Lord God, may You be the answer to every question we pose.

May You move us into positions that will heal our hearts. May You grant us a portion of Your courage. May You cause those we come in contact with to find favor with Your children.

May you raise a holy army up that is not afraid to proclaim Your Lordship over their lives, and may those first recruits come from among us.

May You cause our churches to shine in the community, like blazing bonfires of goodness, bringing comfort and assistance to those who need a leg up or a helping hand.

May You do what needs to be done in each of us to make us good, mighty, and willing servants of Your Son, Jesus.

May Your Spirit find rest in us, and may He fuel our desire to be more like You. May Your Divine Nature chase away every fear, every woe, every passion not working according to Your will, and every intention that is not fired by Your power. May we be what we could never be without You, and may it happen today, among us, for Your glory! Amen.

Prophetic Drawing-Part 2

I promised yesterday that I would share with you the impressions I received from God when I did some prophetic drawing for the first time last Friday. The image that came into my mind when I drew for Aaron with two A’s was this:


When I gave my drawing to Aaron and went over it with him—my impression of what God “might” be saying—he was a bit overcome. He had to excuse himself from the table and go blow his nose. He then returned and told me that the drawing very much resonated with where he was in this phase of life.

My Impressions Regarding Drawing No. 2

As you can tell from the drawing, this picture has to do with strength and godliness. It also has to do with sight or clarity of thought. Each element meant something else to me.

The muscled arms: Strength of character, determination, perhaps faith.

The Stained Glass window behind the figure: Aaron, in a sacred space. God seeing him and knowing him.

The maze in the figures chest: Confusion, and maybe distractions.

The face without eyes: Again, confusion; a lack of ability to know the goal or the steps to the goal.

The block head: Truthfully, I’m not sure on that one. I was thinking Minecraft when I drew it.

The gift box at the bottom of the picture: It contains eyes. Eyes missing from the figures face.  A gift of sight?  That’s what I felt it meant, anyway.

My impression of what God was saying to me as I drew for Aaron, was that he was going through a time in his life that was confusing for him, that he wasn’t able to see clearly now where he might end up or even the steps to take along the way, but that in his confusion God was with Aaron. Furthermore, clarity was on the way, and when it came it would be received like a welcomed gift. I felt Aaron was a strong person, in character, determination, and perhaps faith.

As I spoke with Aaron, he confirmed that much of the picture spoke to his current situation. He’s going away to college in two weeks, and although he has chosen a career path, he’s not sure it is the right fit for him. He feels unsure about his educational future, or even the choices he has already made. I told him that I felt strongly that even though he felt confusion and uncertainty right now, God had him wrapped in a sacred place; that perhaps even the confusion itself was of a sacred origin.

Of course, I can’t know Aaron’s future and I had no wish to try and coax him into anything or infer that I knew God’s revealed will for his life as a result of those few moments I spent drawing with him in mind. All I knew that night was that I had prayed for another person, asked God to guide me, meditated so I could hear Him more clearly, and drew an image that did, in fact, bless another. It was a pretty cool experiment. One that definitely required me to get out of my comfort zone, set aside all that I thought I knew, give up words for images, and be open to a new experience.

When have you worked hard to keep an open mind? When was the last time you tried something outside your comfort zone?