Renewed by Love

Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.  Psalm 51:10

Today, the lyrics to a Keith Green song popped into my head while I was driving.

My driving times are some of the best times to communicate with Papa God.

Oh, Lord, you know how I needed to hear your words today.  Thank you, Father,  for reminding me that you are always only a prayer away.

It occurs to me that I’m not the only one who faces times when the joy of salvation gets lost in the minutea of life–times when struggles threaten to choke out the memory of God and his beautiful plan for us.

I’m not alone in that, right?

We all forget that his steadfast love is new every morning. We all try to get ourselves where we need to go in our own strength.  It doesn’t work, but in a momentary lapse of memory about how mighty our God is, it seems like it will.

It isn’t until after trying to lift that burden for many days, and twisting and tugging with it that I think maybe I should stop striving and start praying.

Why do we wait so long?  Why do I wait so long?

Hearing from God on those days when I’m plain exhausted is an amazing thing.  How good it feels when God’s communications to me finally make it through the dark clouds.

How hopeful his voice is in my ear, and how reassuring his embrace.

Today, I have been assured that God will not cast me away from His presence.  Nor will he take his Holy Spirit from me.  He will restore unto me the joy of His salvation, and most definitely renew a right spirit within me.

Yahoo, come Lord, Jesus!

[my apologies for the YouTube commercial that precedes the song. I don’t know how to embed it withouth going through YouTube. ljh]

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